Saturday, March 6, 2010

Epic French Musical is EPIC.

Ad for the show in a metro station.

Okay so background had already been covered. I'm a nerd and fell in love with this thing in 2004 and it's the entire reason for my trip to Paris. And the reason I broke out into a stupid grin whenever I saw an ad for it in a metro station or randomly thought about it while I was walking around yesterday. I swear to god yesterday was so long and I thought it would never be time for me to go. But I went. Early, in fact, because I had to pick up my ticket since they don't ship them internationally.

Bought a program because I'm a super nerd. :) And sat in my seat, 8 rows from the stage, slightly to the right side, and freaked out for the next 40 minutes. I was literally shaking the whole time and couldn't stop grinning like a fool. I mean, I was excited to see Les Mis in London. I was super excited to see RENT over the summer with two of the original cast members. There are no words to express how excited I was about seeing this show. It was a teeny bit weird because it's the first one I've gone to alone, but holy god did I enjoy it.

The one thing that threw me off was that they'd tweaked the show a little to update it and such. Nothing major, and I knew they'd added a few songs, but they'd changed some of them slightly or moved them around a little so I, being the obsessed fool that I am got confused because I know all of the songs and all of the dialogue and would be like "omg that's not right!" It was still really good though.

Romeo and Tybalt were the same guys as in the original. I feel like there was someone else too? One of the more minor characters? Never mind, there can't be. I'm just crazy, don't mind me.

I died a little inside when my favorite songs came on. Just sitting there and being like "Oh hey, I'm experiencing this LIVE!" was incredible. Absolutely incredible.

One of the best parts was after the show. I went and hung out at the stage door (with a bunch of French people) and watched all the actors and dancers come out. And the principal cast? They were all super nice! I got autographs from like, 8 of them I think? Romeo, Benvolio, Mercutio, Tybalt, the Prince, Frère Laurent, Juliette... I feel like there was someone else but I can't remember right now. Oh well. And I got my picture taken with the first four. EEEEEE. I know, I'm a huge nerd but whatever. I look super awkward in the photos but whatever haha. I wound up like, thrusting my camera at the nearest person each time and being like "Hey take my picture k? K." But everyone else had friends there taking their pictures so I did what I had to do. =P I kept wondering if it was okay though. Like if it was real. But they were all so nice and were like "Yeah sure pictures are cool!" And I waited til someone else had done it first each time just to make sure. It was weird because when we got autographs after RENT, everyone just lined up and held out their programs, and each of the cast members came out with their own sharpies in hand, went down the line mechanically, and peaced out. And there weren't even a lot of people there. Here there were significantly fewer people, sure, but there were no security people watching us, and the cast just came out, said hi to everyone, talked to everyone (like actual conversations, not just "oh hey"), took photos with people, joked with people, stayed until they'd signed whatever everyone wanted.

You can't really see the autographs in the photo. Wish I'd had one of my nifty silver sharpies.





It was really awesome. Really. Really. Awesome. The entire experience was just surreal and crazy and I loved it. I love my life. =D

I will probably update this post later, or make a new post entirely, about the new version vs the old version, just because I'm that much of a loser. But I bought the stupid really expensive CD set, so the first few times I listen to it I'm sure the differences will bother me and I'll want to talk about them all anyway. =D I know only one person will care (if that), but I'm gonna do it anyway, so there. Nyeh. =P

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