Friday, July 9, 2010

Tilapia, Vampires, and Werewolves, Oh My!

Lame title is lame. Anyway.

Life continues as usual in Amman. Classes, tutoring appointments, the same routine all day. Followed by trying to cram homework and naps into our free time. For my class it's not so bad, but some of the upper levels are just doing homework constantly. I was awesome and didn't get to the gym at all last week, go me. But I will be making up for it tomorrow, for sure. We're going to Wadi Mujib tomorrow (here's another website) and it looks like it's going to be an epic workout. Unfortunately there won't be any epic photos. Swimming and rivers and waterfalls are involved, meaning we can't bring anything that can't get wet. Sadness.

Aaaaanyway, yesterday I went to see Eclipse (the third installment of Twilight) with some of my friends. I wasn't a fan of the first one and loathed the second, but wanted to see this to see how bad it was, basically, since I've read all the books anyway. After our test yesterday afternoon, Nick, Morgan, and I went to one of the malls here, got our tickets, and went to Chili's in said mall. Yes, Chili's. Right next to TGI Friday's. Wow. As far as the movie tickets went, you had to pick your seats before the tickets were even printed. That was a new experience.

Chili's was extremely tasty. I had tilapia with rice and veggies and it was really good, though very spicy. So to balance it, I had a cookie brownie sundae thing for dessert. It was amazing. Gloriously unhealthy, but amazing all the same. We also had the most ridiculous conversations during dinner. And the waiter probably thought we were crazy, but that's totally okay. After dinner we met up with Kelly and Michelle, but they hadn't been with us when we bought tickets so we weren't all sitting in the same place. :(

Once we got inside the theater, we had to wait til 730 (scheduled movie time) before they even let us in the room. And once inside, we had ushers guide us to our seats. Whaaaat. They were cushy seats and there was actually room to walk through the aisle without jumping over people. They didn't recline, though, which was a little disappointing. Going to the movies in the States will never be the same.

The movie itself was kind of meh. I have no reason to like it but for some reason I still do. Really hoping it's just the fact that I was having a great night and even Robert Pattinson couldn't ruin that for me. Yeah, let's go with that explanation. People in the theater talked through the whole thing, though, and answered phones and whatnot. I don't quite understand, but oh well. I got kind of excited during the (two) previews, because they were in English but subtitled in Arabic and French. But then when the movie started the only subtitles were Arabic. Sad face. They went by a little too fast for me to get a lot out of them, but I got some words, so I'm happy.

After the movie I just came back here, watched an episode of Bones, and went to bed. Because I'm that awesome. But it was a pretty good day. Very fun. Even if I did go see Twilight. Today I've pretty much done nothing. Homework, went out with Morgan shopping for shoes to wear tomorrow rather than destroy my sneakers, went to some other stores, came back. And I couldn't tell you what I've done for the past few hours. Whoops.

I know I still have to write about Irbid and Um Qais last Saturday. That's on the way, eventually. And there will be a post about tomorrow, eventually. Probably not too long, but there will be one. Til then, good night!

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