Saturday, July 10, 2010

Wadi Mujib, or "Wait, there's water in Jordan?"

Dead Sea, with Israel in the background.

So Wadi Mujib was pretty epic. It was this pretty narrow canyon with a small river running through it. The rocks looked pretty amazing. The sandals I bought yesterday were a pain in the butt because gravel + rushing water + velcro = fail. I wasn't the only one with sandals though, and everyone seemed to be having the same issue. Whatever, it was better than destroying my sneakers.

We walked through the river for a while without issue, and then came to a mini waterfall. There was a rope to hold on to but it was pretty difficult. I obviously need to go to the gym more because I have zero upper body strength. Woot. I am super graceful and pretty much managed to fall/slip/do something stupid at every climbing point. I need to get over my fear of getting hurt. Although there was reason to be a little careful this time, because one of the archeologists living in our building definitely broke her leg at Wadi Mujib. But we all came out of it unharmed, except for random cuts and bruises that come with, you know, being in a rocky river.

The hike ended (for us, anyway) at a big waterfall. Very cool to see. And play around in. And float in. With the exception of the waterfall and some of the mini-waterfalls we had to climb, the water wasn't more than knee-high in the deepest parts, I don't think. After a little while we headed back, and going down the waterfalls we'd climbed was definitely harder than getting up.

Me, Morgan, and Kelly in front of the waterfall. Standing up in that water was not easy.
(Totally stole this pic from Nick's facebook.)

Stole this one from Michelle's Facebook. Yay for waterproof camera bags. Thanks Michelle!

Also stolen from Michelle. More for the view of the walls than the flattering picture of me.

I've pretty much done nothing since we got back at 2. Cleaned up my room a little, applied antibacterial ointment to the scrap on my hand countless times, pretended to start working on the essay I have to write to graduate with honors (graduate? me? insha'allah!)... yeah. Nothing too fancy. And I'm about to go watch Bones with a friend. My life is pretty awesome. Or will be, til I wake up in the morning sore from today's adventures and faced with 4 hours of class. Dun dun dun.

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