Saturday, April 25, 2009

Home, sweet... wait, no.

Sunday, 4.19.2009

Not a whole lot to be said about this one. Overnight bus from Anakara to Istanbul. Got to the airport around 4. We had to go through security to even get into the airport. Then we checked in and chilled for almost two hours before our 6:40 flight. Wound up watching NASCAR, of all things, in the food court for a while. Got on our flight and we both passed out for the 2 and a half hours til Munich. When we got there, Carolyn got on her flight to Milan almost immediately. I, however, was fortunate enough to have to wait until 3:10 for my flight to Lyon. And it was only 8:30ish. Awesome sauce.

So really, there's not a whole lot to do in the Munich airport. I liked Frankfort a lot better. Munich had a bunch of overpriced sit-down restaurants, but that was it. No fast food. No sandwiches under 7 Euro. Free coffee courtesy of Lufthansa though, which I definitely indulged in. I lounged, listened to music, read part of a French book I'm supposed to be writing a paper on this week, stared off into space, and fought off sleep. Flight to Lyon was full and landed late, surprise. I spent the entire flight and the wait for my bag worrying about missing my train back to Chambéry. I had more than enough time though. On the train, we were ready to go and the doors had shut... unfortunately there was an old guy on the train who wasn't supposed to be on it still. His grandson (I assume) was traveling alone, I guess, and the guy was helping his find his seat and stow his bag and whatever. He went back to the door just after it had shut and then he flipped out when he couldn't open it. He kept banging on it and yelling "I have to get off! I have to get off! Let me off!" Then he pulled the emergency lever. Some TGV guys came down and were definitely not pleased. So then the train left late. And I spent the hour long ride sitting across the aisle from an Italian family on their way to Milan from Paris (7 hours, yeesh!); the youngest girl was probably 6 and kept crying. Fun stuff.

I finally got back to good ol' Chambéry around 630. Dropped off my stuff. Went back out to get dinner because I really didn't feel like cooking. Where did I go? To a Turkish kebab place. Wound up getting a cheeseburger though. Yeah, I'm lame. Came back. Talked to Lee in the kitchen for a while. Checked my email. And then promptly passed out. That was a good night. (And then I had class at 8am the next day. Whee!)

All in all? Epic spring break was epic. Forget Miami and Cancun and whatever. Turkey ftw!

Pictures of Munich from the plane.

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