Saturday, April 25, 2009

I am a nerd.

Thursday, 4.16.2009

First order of business: delicious breakfast. Bread, tomatoes, cheese. Yum. The fact that I hate eggs came back to bite me, though, because the main part of the meal was an omelette. Ooops. Oh well. Also, it goes without saying that çay is part of every meal we had, ever. Nom nom nom.

Hiked on the other side of the river today. I'm really glad we did it in this order, because today was definitely the harder part and yesterday we hadn't slept well or any of that. So yeah. Oh god, it was epic though.

City wall

Carolyn, conquerer of ancient cities.

Mosaics! *-*

This was EPIC. It's the portal to a Roman temple. But it's pretty much the only part left. But it was HUGE. Incredible. Absolutely... wow.

One day, I will learn Greek. I know the alphabet, but that doesn't help very much.

We spent part of the climb trying to remember what acropolis meant. It was pretty lame in the best of geeky ways.

When we got up to the acropolis there was a family there trying to set the timer on their camera to take a group photo. Carolyn took it instead. And we found out that, of all the place in the world, they were from Virginia. I forget where, but they said halfway between Richmond and Fredricksburg. For real? We go all the way to Turkey and we meet Virginians? Give me a break. We talked with them for a little while, took our own pictures, and scrambled down to the bottom again. We lay on the beach but it was too cold to go in, really.

This picture makes me so happy. It's currently my desktop picture. It's just so pretty. It was gorgeous. Just sitting up there and looking out at the sea and listening to it and looking around at the mountains and the ruins... it was so peaceful and amazing.

That light rectangle in the middle? That's the portal to the temple. That's how epic it was.

On the way back to the hostel thing, we stopped and got potato gözleme. Delicious. We also found a store that took credit cards. Yay! We hadn't known on the way down that the hostel only took cash for payment, so that cut into our resources. We also had to make sure we had enough cash for the bus rides back to Antalya. And of course there were no ATMs to speak of at the bottom of the mountain. We lucked out, simply put. But then to find a place that takes credit cards? Eee! We walked back with cookies, snacks, soda, and ice cream. Oh yeah.

Dinner was pretty much the same thing. Instead of hanging out outside, we went back to our room and both tried to get some reading done. Stoopid homework.

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