Wednesday, January 21, 2009

[Title Goes Here]

I was super lame last night and went to bed at 1130, passing out soon thereafter. Was woken up around 6ish by the construction going on outside my window. Rolled around a lot, finally getting up at 1130am. There were no classes that interested me on the list they gave us Monday, so I was just going to go up to school and canvas the other departments' boards to see what they had. Instead it took me 2 hours to reach any kind of coherent state, so I decided to stay in. It was in the 30s according to the weather channel, so that made my decision easier. Spent the day fighting with the school's website to look at courses instead; found a few more I can probably use. Now I just need to hope they're not at conflicting times and that they count for something. >>

So I've basically done nothing of value today. Except eat. This is the downfall of keeping food in your room. Now seems like a good time to start being productive. Yeah. Pictures will be posted soon, once I resize them all. That takes forever.

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