Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Oh, France...

It wouldn't be France if they weren't striking about something. Tomorrow most of the transportation things are shutting down, as well as schools and a bunch of other things. At least one of the primary schools in Chambéry is going on strike; I saw a sign on my way to school today. I would be worried about my classes tomorrow, except I don't have any. Go figure. A bunch of people were planning to go to Paris for the weekend too, but we don't know when or if we'd get there and/or back. The entire thing is something about Sarkozy and his response to the economic crisis being made of fail.

Bloomberg article

All of this, of course, makes me even less likely to get anything productive done tomorrow. I was going to run errands, but everything's probably going to be closed. So that leaves me to be productive in my room, which... yeah that just doesn't happen.

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